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http://www.100md.com 《时珍国医国药》 2000年第12期


    Research Advances in Pharmacological Function of Osthole

    LIU Jianxin, LIAN Qishen

    (Gannan Medical College, Ganzhou, Jiangxi 341000, China)

    Abstract:Objective:To summarize the pharmacological function of osthole.Methods:Based on the documents and achievements in recent 10 years, the pharmacological function and its mechanism were summed up.Results and Conclusion:The efficacy of osthole is versatile. It predicts that osthole has potential application values in the effects of anti-oxidation, anti-tumor and in the therapy of cardiovascular diseases and menopausal osteoporosis as well.

    Key words:Osthole; Coumarin;Pharmacological effects

    蛇床子Cnidium monnieri(L) Cuss.是伞形科蛇床干燥成熟果实。药用历史悠久,出土于马王堆三号汉墓,距今已有2000多年的《养生方》中就有记载蛇床子温肾作用,以蛇床配干姜、肉桂等辛热之品,治妇人阴寒。后来在《神农本草经》中将其补虚作用总结为“主男子阴虚,久服轻身”。李时珍在《本草纲目》中进一步阐明蛇床子的作用 “蛇床乃右肾命门、少阳,三焦气分之药。神农列之为上品,不独补助男子,而又有益妇人”。其主要活性成分为蛇床子素(osthole,ost),它的化学名为7甲氧基8异戊烯基香豆素(7-methoxy-8-[3-methylpent-2-enyl]coumarin) ......

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